Parish Plan: 2016-2020

Parish Plan: 2016-2020

In March 2016 the Parish Council published a new Community Led Parish Plan covering the next five years. This was the result of a consultation which was conducted over the preceding months and is detailed in the Plan.

A PDF version of the 22 page document is available here. Printed copies will be available (whilst stocks last) for collection at Parish Council meetings. Alternatively, they can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Parish Clerk, 51 Longford Turning, Market Drayton, Shropshire TF9 3PF. (Please note: Envelopes need to be A4 (C4) size with a “Large Letter”, 100g stamp on them – currently 95p First Class or 74p Second Class.)

The Plan has been based on the following list of priorities which came out of a survey of local residents:

Key Priorities for Parish:

  1. Improve Public Transport
    1. Support for community bus (access to transport)
    2. Bus routes: through Marchamley, link to Telford (hospital), later daily service.
  2. Traffic calming measures
    1. Speeding Traffic (Marchamley, Hodnet, Peplow)
    2. Parking outside the Hodnet School
    3. HGVs through villages (weight restrictions)
  3. Improve appearance of Hodnet (floral decorations, Christmas Tree, landscaping)
  4. Village Event (wide support) together with additional community and social activities.
  5. Housing Development
    1. All in favour of retaining appearance and character of village
    2. Small majority of respondents in favour of more housing (above that already planned). This group mostly preferred small 2 bedroom houses followed by sheltered housing. They were evenly split between building inside and outside development boundaries.
    3. Some support for light business development.
  6. Provision of support for young people
    1. Recreational activities
    2. IT support for primary school
    3. Improvements to playground, additional sports facilities
  7. Communications improvements (broadband and mobile phone coverage) issue for many.
  8. Support for community centres and activity
    1. Adult education computer classes
    2. Social activities for the elderly
  9. Support for the environment (more footpaths, statutory access to old railway line, more dog litter bins, convert lights to energy saving)

The objectives of the Community Led Plan are as follows:

Objective 1:  To address local needs with regard to housing in terms of tenure, affordability, mix and size.

Objective 2: To retain Hodnet as a vibrant village serving its community whilst ensuring any development reflects its character and appearance.

Objective 3:  To retain and improve the viability of the shops, pub, medical and educational services that provide for the needs of the community.

Objective 4:  To provide and maintain the social and economic infrastructure of benefit to the community.

Objective 5: To address parking issues, speeding and heavy goods vehicles routing through the villages.

Objective 6: To seek opportunities and resources for local employment growth.

Objective 7: To protect and enhance the quality and appearance of the physical and natural environment.

For full details please download the PDF version.
