Views sought about proposed fines for dog fouling

Shropshire Council are asking people for their views about proposals to issue fines to dog owners who allow their animals to foul pavements and public amenity spaces without clearing up afterwards.

An eight-week consultation began this week into plans to introduce a ‘public spaces protection order’. It can be seen here.

The PSPO would enable Shropshire Council‘s dog warden service to issue fixed penalty notices of up to £100.

Under the PSPO, dogs would also be excluded from play and sports areas and would be required to wear a lead on the public highway. Officers would also have the power to ask for a dog to be put on a lead where they aren’t under the control of their owner or are acting aggressively.

The consultation runs until 21 December 2023 and the findings will then be brought back to the council’s Cabinet for further consideration early next year.

As both public education and enforcement are required to encourage responsible dog ownership, if a PSPO is agreed an educational campaign would be run ahead of the new rules coming into effect.