Shropshire Council’s Budget Consultation is now open

Like many councils across the country, Shropshire Council faces a very tough financial position and is seeking residents’ help in shaping some difficult decisions that lie ahead.  

At just over halfway through this financial year, we have achieved 80% of our spending reductions target of £51.4m. Our plan is to build on these strong foundations to overcome the challenges that still lie ahead into the next financial year and beyond. 

Our biggest pressure is that the funding we have to deliver our services hasn’t kept pace with the demand that we are seeing, especially in adults’ social care and children’s social care, which makes up nearly 80% of the council budget. 

Essentially, we are having to do much more with less so we can carry on supporting the most vulnerable people in our communities. To keep doing this, we will have to make some difficult decisions.  We will need to change the way we deliver some services, whilst some others may need to stop altogether. We want to understand your priorities, as residents, businesses, staff or stakeholders, so that any future decisions are made with these in mind.  Our budget consultation starts today, and this is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on how we can achieve the £50m spending reductions that we must make before 2025, which includes the 4.99% council tax increase that the Government allocation assumes we will make.”

Go to online budget consultation The themes include increasing efficiency, increasing income, reducing third-party spending and making sure that we are the right size as an organisation. The survey should take less than fifteen minutes and will run until 28 January 2024. Every voice matters. Feedback from this will then inform the final budget proposals which will come back to the council in February.   

Please try and take the time to express your opinions.