Scouts, Cubs & Beavers

The Aim of the Scout Association

The aim of the Scout Association is to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people so they may take a constructive place in society.  We offer an enjoyable and attractive scheme of progressive training based upon a Scout Law and Promise. All activities are guided by adult leadership.

The 2nd Hodnet Scout Group Headquarters

The 2nd Hodnet Scout Group headquarters is situated on Hearne Lane in Hodnet, see the map below. It is shared with the Guiding movement and is managed by a Supporters’ Committee. Please support the Committee’s fund raising events each year so that the hut can be maintained and further improved for everyone’s benefit.

For further information please contact Awaiting Update 19/1/23

Click on the logo to go to the Beavers page.

Open to boys and girls aged between 6 and 8 years old. Beaver Scouts are the youngest section of the Scouting family. Their activities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going out on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends.

Click on the logo to go to the Cubs page.

Open to both boys and girls aged between 8-10½ years old. Cubs will get a chance to try lots of different activities such as swimming, music, exploring, and collecting. Cub Scouts also get to go on trips and days out. Hodnet Cubs go away on camping trips a couple of times a year.

Click on the logo to go to the Scout page.

Open to both boys and girls aged between 10½  and 14 years old. Scouts are the third section of the Scouting movement. Scouts get the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of activities including camping, caving etc.  In the UK  there are 500,000 boys and girls involved in Scouting.

Where we meet:

The Scout hut is located on Hearne Lane in Hodnet.

The Scout Law:

A Scout is to be trusted.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is friendly and considerate.
A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.

The 2nd Hodnet Scout Group Executive:

The Scout Group has to elect an Executive Committee each year consisting of a number of parents and various leaders of the Scout Group. The Committee has the responsibility for day to day tasks such as account keeping and secretarial support as well as fundraising.  They play an essential part in maintaining an effective and successful Scout Group and are required under Scouting rules to be in place, otherwise a Scout Group has to close.

  • Group Scout Leader
  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer


These are collected at the beginning of each term. The amount is currently set at £22 per term.

Making Payments: We would be grateful if any payments, whether they are by cash or cheque, are placed in a sealed envelope with the Scout’s name and the reason for the payment on the front. Please pass these on to the Section Leader.  Please make all cheques payable to 2nd Hodnet Scout Group.  You will be provided with a receipt from the Section Leader for your records.

The money collected from subs covers: –

  •  Annual fees to District, County and National bodies for insurance and Leader training. This is called a capitation fee and is paid annually by the Group for all youth and adult members.
  •  Money is also required to cover the main bills of the hut such as rates,  electricity, water and insurance, as well as  on-going  general repairs and maintenance. However, for major repairs the group still has to look to fund-raising and donations.
  •  Badges.
  •  Neckerchiefs.
  •  Equipment needed for Troop meetings.

Gift Aid – Please complete the Gift Aid form (to be found with the registratrion forms, obtained from a leader).

This allows us to get the income tax you paid back on the subs. This gives us approximately £2 extra per person for each £22 paid, for just a signature on your part. Scouting is for all children, regardless of their background. Financial help is available to allow Cubs to attend camps who otherwise would be unable to take part.  Please contact a leader in the strictest of confidence if we can offer help in any way.

Code of Behaviour:

It is the policy of The Scout Association to safeguard the welfare of all members by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.

Parental Help:

Your child will gain much more from Scouting if you are prepared to offer your support.  There are many ways you can help;

  • Offer a skill or hobby to train or test the Scouts for badge or award work.
  • Help with Troop or Group events.
  • Help transport Scouts and equipment to events outside the village, such as camps.
  • Support the Scout Group’s Annual General Meeting and other special events.
  • Join the Scout Group Executive to support the Group through fundraising for new equipment, leader training etc.

Or how about taking an active role in one of the sections either as a regular helper or as a full time warranted leader? If this interests you then please discuss this further with any leader.  All help is valued and no experience is necessarily needed. Full support and training can be arranged.


To register your child, please speak to one of the leaders to obtain a registration form.
