Public Services
This page lists contact details for the public services represented in the area.
Hodnet Medical Centre
The Medical Centre, Drayton Road, Hodnet, Market Drayton, TF9 3NF
Phone: 01630 685230 / Fax: 01630 685770
Doctors: Dr James Romesh Mehta
Click here for the practice’s website, with details of opening times, etc.
Please call 111 for urgent health care when the Practice is closed.
Depending on the situation, the NHS 111 team is able to connect callers to generalist and specialist nurses, or even a GP or pharmacist, and can arrange face-to-face appointments should one be needed.
For life threatening medical emergencies dial 999
NHS 111 should be used when someone urgently needs medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation. For more information see here on the NHS website.
The local ambulance service is the West Midlands Ambulance Service – website
Hodnet Community Defibrillator
A Public Access AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is located at the entrance to Hodnet Fire Station.
Information on how to access this life saving device in an emergency can be found on this page.
Hodnet Primary School
Shrewsbury Street, Hodnet, Market Drayton, Shropshire TF9 3NS
Phone: 01630 685300
email and website
Hodnet Primary School Parent Teachers Association
For more information see their web page.
West Mercia Police
The Market Drayton Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) covers the area. It is based at Market Drayton Police Station, Salisbury Road, Market Drayton, TF9 1AL. Map
A police post is situated in the Meadows Community Centre, Station Road. It is not open on a regular basis but is used in an ad hoc way. Residents can contact the local police team who can arrange to meet them there if that is preferred to a home visit.
There is also a police ‘post box’ situated outside the post office. This can be used for non-emergency contact – the box is checked on a regular basis.
Phone numbers:
101 Non-Emergency calls – for reporting minor crimes (inc. car theft);
999 Emergency calls only;
Local office – 101 ext. 66905
Crime stoppers – Confidential crime reporting – 0800 111 555.
Twitter –
Names of current members of the Market Drayton Rural South team along with other relevant information can be found via this page on the West Mercia Police website.
The team can also be contacted by email
Fire Service
Hodnet Fire Station
Brook Street, Hodnet, Market Drayton, TF9 3JB
Information about the retained crew, the fire engine and drill nights can be found on the station’s page on the Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service website. Wider advice about fire safety is also available on their website including information about making emergency calls from rural locations.
SFRS ask local residents to remember if they are planning a “controlled burn”, to please call Fire Control on 01743 260 290. Notifying them in advance will prevent an appliance being sent out in response to any calls from concerned members of the public.
Emergency Phone: 999
Shrewsbury Headquarters
General Enquirers Phone: 01743 260 200
Fire Safety Department Phone: 01743 260 260
National number to call to report a power cut or to find out information about one: 105
For more information see:
In North Shropshire the regional electricity network operator is Western Power Distribution. Please note: This is not your supplier who you pay for your electricity, but the company who manage and maintain the infrastructure which delivers the supply to your property. (A bit like Network Rail which manages the tracks, but does not run trains on them.)
If you are on a mains gas supply, no matter who you purchase it from, if you can smell gas, think you might have a leak or are concerned about carbon monoxide follow the following steps: immediately open all windows and doors; extinguish any naked flames (including cigarettes); call the Gas Emergency Service free on 0800 111 999.
Not a public service as such, but almost an essential in modern Britain. To find out what your options are in the Hodnet area see our dedicated Broadband page.
Job Centre
To find your nearest Job Centre, please use the following link: