Month: <span>March 2012</span>

The work of your local Parish Council

The Parish Council meets appropriately every 6 weeks to discuss a diverse range of issues such as street lighting, Hodnet recreation ground, footpaths, litter bins, car parking, road traffic issues, anti social behaviour, assistance to local groups and charities, planning applications, and any other matters that may arise.  e.g. sponsoring the Parish Plan and (in 2010) funding the creation of the Hodnet website and recently providing disabled parking spaces both in the car park and at the front of the Lyon Hall
Where a matter under discussion is not within our direct responsibility, we will make representations to those who do have responsibility for it. For example, we provide formal comment on all local planning applications to Shropshire Council and maintain regular contact with our local Shropshire Councillor, Karen Calder.
To assist us in our work we also have  a few sub committees that give special attention to particular topics such as our Planning and  Recreation Ground sub-committees. A full list of all the councillors and contact details together with details for the Parish Clerk are available  on the notice board outside the Lyon Memorial Hall and also on the Notice board located at the Post office.
Details and Agenda for forthcoming meetings are also displayed on these notice boards.
Members of the public are encouraged to raise any issues of local concern with the Council, either via an approach to individual councillors or to the Clerk.
The public are welcome to attend meetings of the council but should note that they cannot normally participate in the meeting itself. However where a matter is clearly of great local concern, or perhaps in response to a specific request, it is our practice to temporarily suspend the formal meeting to allow members of the public to address  the councillors.
The Clerk Mrs Maryjayne Rees

Junior Tennis Coaching

The Junior Coaching programme at Wollerton Tennis Club will commence on Saturday, 21st April and run until 26th May. Sessions start at 3:30pm, last one hour and cost £3.50 per junior each week.
For further information, please contact Vicky Hunt, Head Coach, tel, 07914 859625 or Mrs Jenny Taylerson, tel 01630 685860.
More information on the Club’s page.