Friends of Hodnet School (formerly PTA)
We Want You!
We meet once a month to organise events in the School’s calendar and fundraise for our Children – we contribute to transport to events and field trips, we pay for books for the library, we help with the cost of resources (cameras, public address system, gardening equipment, forest school equipment, sheds) and we also purchase the Children’s Christmas presents.
Also we help with events such as curriculum weeks both financially and with man power and we also organise film nights and discos for the Children’s entertainment.
As a parent of a child at Hodnet School you automatically become a member of Friends of Hodnet School but we really need more parents to be actively involved, it is great fun and very rewarding.
Please can you spare some time to come to the meetings, or help at events or just offer support in your own way – the more active Friends of Hodnet School can be, the better it will be for the Children.
For more info please contact Jessica Onions 07766 313216 or the School on 01630 685300